As an organization, we want to let you know that once again, Haiti has been downgraded to a Level 4 Travel Warning from the US State Department for some pretty serious reasons: increased kidnappings, increased violent crimes, protests, and violence. This happened on March 5, 2020 and you can find out more information on that HERE.
This has forced myLIFEspeaks to make some very difficult decisions regarding how we operate in country but it hasn't changed our hearts. Our Haitian & American staffs are both safe in country and we continue to do everything we can to keep the ministry moving forward. We refuse to take our eyes off of God's call for Haiti.
I want to let you know how we are moving forward.
We praise God for the Haitian leadership He has raised up during this time. We currently have only 4 American staff in Haiti and they are providing oversight but our Haitian leadership is leading the day to day ministry. Our goal of Haitians leading Haitians is now a reality.
We know Satan uses fear to try to take our eyes off of the call God has placed on myLIFEspeaks. We refuse to give in to this fear. We cling to the promises in God's Word:
Deuteronomy 31:8: "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
We are committed to our Haitian employees and will do everything we can to keep every single one of our 160 employees.
We WILL keep ministry moving forward in Haiti.
As an organization, times like this are difficult, but we know God has called us to remain steadfast and continue to trust in Him. Looking at things on the surface, things in Haiti are as bleak as ever. Inflation in Haiti continues to rise, staple supplies are either more expensive or harder to find, and the days ahead are filled with uncertainty. We however know that God can use moments just like this for His good and His Glory (Romans 8:28).
Finally, I would like to ask you to consider sending a message of encouragement to our Haitian staff. We recently started a prayer partner initiative for all of our Haitian employees and have someone who shares each prayer and word of encouragement with our Haitian staff. If you would like to reach out to our staff in Haiti to let them know you are praying for them, you can send an email to prayer@myLIFEspeaks
Mike Wilson