myLIFEspeaks' In-Home Nutritional Assistance programming provides rice, beans, and cooking oil every month for 170+ children, families, and the elderly in our community in need. Without myLIFEspeaks’ support, these children and families otherwise may not have food to eat.
Due to gas shortages, we had families come to campus to pick up their food supplies for the month. Our Director of Community Development, Adam Pierre, oversees and personally visits the families multiple times throughout the month to check in on them.
Here are some pictures from July's food distribution!
The program gives families a hand-up, not a hand-out while helping stand in the nutritional gap. myLIFEspeaks provides the supplies so that parents can prepare the meals at home instead of children coming to myLIFEspeaks’ campus to eat. This allows the parents to be the real heroes.
This intentional nutritional assistance program empowers parents with the means to be able to provide for their children while also encouraging the family to share meals together in their homes.