LIFE Academy’s Haitian leadership planned and hosted a 3-day seminar about God's plan for educating future generations in Haiti.
The main topics discussed came from a book called Kingdom Education by Glen Shultz
We discussed how Kingdom education does not simply mean a school that teaches about Jesus but how the home, church, and school MUST work together to provide a firm foundation that is unchanging and consistent wherever they are.
LIFE Academy’s mission is to expand the kingdom of God through education. We spoke of how we must address the need to develop a biblical worldview in our children's hearts and minds.
Our goal is not to have the smartest students that grow up to be the most successful people in the country of Haiti. While the highest quality education and critical thinking skills are of great importance to us, our main goal is for students to know and love Jesus Christ and to be continually transformed and equipped to be His disciples.
The seminar concluded with sessions that required looking inward to realize that the influence of a teacher is one of the most important factors that develop a young person's worldview. What we say and how we say it are vital so we must always be speaking the truth in love and seasoned with grace.
Our teachers and Haitian leadership at LIFE Academy are incredible! Please keep them in prayer as they pour into the next generation of Haiti’s leaders and disciples of Christ.
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
- Philippians 4:9