Written by: Bethany Joseph, Director of Special Needs Programming at myLIFEspeaks
You can listen to the audio version of this story, here.
“How are you letting your LIFE shine?”
Night to Shine is an amazing night where we are able to celebrate people with disabilities from all over Haiti, and all over the world. It is a night that the lives of all our guests can shine for others to see their value and worth. I always love watching the villagers’ reactions to Night to Shine and seeing what they think about us celebrating people with disabilities. All of our guests were made in the image of God so it is awesome getting to see the villagers see the image of God shining through during Night to Shine. Many of our guests have lives that shine all throughout the year too. They shine joy, happiness, hope, and the love of God on whoever comes in contact with them.
When thinking of Night to Shine, Matthew 5:15-16 comes to mind. “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” We use Night to Shine as a way to let the lives of those with disabilities here shine and give light to everyone else.
I can’t help but be affected by the joy, happiness, hope, and love that shines through each and every guest that walks down that red carpet. I can’t help but see the glory of God throughout the night of the event. pray that others can’t help but be affected and others see the glory of God too.
In most Night to Shine events throughout America, there is a respite room for the parents or the churches provide some sort of way to let parents have a break and have fun during the event. We tried that our first year, but the parents wanted to be with their children watching them have fun, so since that year, we invite our parents to be a part of the experience.
During the event, I see Christ shining through the parents too. To see their love for their
children and the attention and care they give to their children is amazing. I love watching it and always hope that others at the event see it too.
In Haiti, it could be easy for the parents to have a light that is burnt out, due to persecution from others and just the hardships of raising a child with special needs in general, but we have an amazing set of parents that are plugged into programs like Bèl Ewo (our parent support group). This helps the parents be strengthened in Christ, thus reflecting His light to others. I encourage you to find a small group of others, like Bèl Ewo, that will help relight your flame when it burns out.
Some questions to ponder:
How is your life shining?
What in your life may be acting as a “bowl”, covering up your light and causing it not to be seen by others?
I encourage you to examine your life and get rid of anything hindering God’s Light from shining through you. I encourage you to use God’s Light in a way that glorifies Him. Like our guests and parents at Night to Shine, let joy, happiness, and hope shine in your life.