There is no fuel available in Haiti right now. If there is any, you'll be paying an astronomical price for it. The latest we could find, we paid $18/gallon.
Fuel in Haiti isn't just necessary for vehicles and transportation but most businesses, hospitals, banks, and homes depend on fuel to generate electricity. This means that without fuel not only can people not get places but even if they can, many businesses cannot power their lights, computers, AC, or internet, to function.
Fuel affects everything in Haiti and it trickles down further from there.
Recently, Culligan water company, which many Haitians rely on for clean drinking water, announced they no longer have fuel to operate their water plant. No clean drinking water means water-borne diseases, like cholera, start to resurface. This is already happening as we speak, especially in slum areas like Cité Soleil. At least 8 people have reportedly died from the outbreak so far.
On Sunday, October 2nd, 2022, the Caribbean Bottling Company (CBC), producer of Culligan water announced the following:
..."The crises of the past few weeks have seriously affected our ability to process, bottle and deliver water. Our entire production and supply chain depends solely on the diesel that powers our generator sets as well as our fleet of trucks. The current fuel shortage in the country is completely paralyzing our activities. It also affects all of our employees who have great difficulty in coming to work, as well as our customers and stakeholders who are forced to close their businesses or businesses. We are saddened to inform you that despite all the efforts made to continue to serve the community in the context we are experiencing, our fuel reserves are completely exhausted. As of today October 2nd, we are no longer able to produce and deliver Culligan Water."...
Thankfully in our village, we have access to clean water via three wells that pull clean water (at least so far) from underground aquifers. We are blessed we have wells but many Haitian families across the country are not as fortunate.
Another obstacle of lack of fuel was we weren't able to initially do payroll this past week because there was no fuel to power the internet signal for bank transfers. (Since then, miraculously we were able to process the wire for payroll on Monday so we could pay our Haitian employees and they could feed their families).
Thirdly, we have no way of getting the curriculum for school to start because we don't have the fuel to go physically get it. (Not to mention the death-defying journey it would be to drive blockaded, gang-controlled roads to get there.)
As you can see this issue of no fuel in Haiti is a lot bigger than cars and transportation. It squeezes even the most basic needs for survival even tighter than they already are in an impoverished third-world country.
Please pray for a Saul-to-Paul-type transformation of gang members' hearts... politicians... and all those inciting violence. Violence that is hurting all, but especially the most innocent and vulnerable.
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